Hearing About Obama’s VP Choice



Some insiders close to Barack Obama tell me that I will hear definitively who the VP choice is before the campaign sends out its “text message” to the nation about who the vacationing candidate decides on. Who knows if they’ll come through. I’d pretty much settle on hearing who Obama definitively does not select.

Blockbuster Discussion Tonight on Georgia-Russia War: Simes and Holbrooke Square Off on <em>News Hour with Jim Lehrer</em>



Dimitri Simes, President of the Nixon Center, will be paired with former Ambassador to the United Nations Richard Holbrooke on the News Hour tonight. Margaret Warner will moderate a discussion that I think may be one of the most hard-hitting encounters framing the Russia-Georgia conflict and its implications for the US, Europe, and NATO.

Obama Cultivates Dissident GOP Members



(Senator Chuck Hagel, Steve Clemons, and International Peace Institute Chair Rita Hauser) In the next day or two, the Obama campaign will unveil a new web site as part of its BarackObama.com franchise to lure in dissident members or former members of the GOP.

Media Alert: KCRW’s “To the Point with Warren Olney”



I’ll be joining a discussion hosted by Warren Olney of “To the Point” on the Georgia-Russia conflict this afternoon just a short bit after 3 pm EST. I think that one can listen live over the internet at the above link — just click “live” at about 3 pm EST and 12 pm pacific time….

Saakashvili: Inglorious Democrat?



Belgravia Dispatch‘s Gregory Djerejian publishes one of my favorite blogs. He wrestles issues down to their core and exposes the idiocy and nakedness of the foreign policy arena’s blunderers. Today he writes about the Georgia-Russia conflict and comes out largely where I do. He writes: A few quick points, in no particular order.