Why “Radio Silence” Can be a Good Thing in VEEP Selection



Obama’s campaign is really smart. They have the blogging and media communities jumping at every flick of the Obama campaign’s collective pinky — wondering what this gesture or that might reveal about who will be selected as Obama’s running mate.

STREAMING LIVE TODAY: Pakistan Ambassador to US Husain Haqqani and <em>Ghost Wars</em> author Steve Coll



Free TV Show from Ustream I will be chairing an event that will stream live here today at The Washington Note with Pakistan Ambassador to the US Husain Haqqani — a good friend well known in Washington, Boston and New York circles — and Ghost Wars Pulitzer Prize winning author Steve Coll who is also…

Juggler Moms Appreciate Joe Biden



And you thought he was just good at foreign policy. . . Working Mother Magazine — the journal of record for what Obama senior policy adviser Karen Kornbluh called “the juggler family” and a place to learn about “the mommy tax” — has honored Joe Biden with its “Best of Congress Award.

McCain Puts Out Call for Interns



Senator McCain’s presidential campaign team has put out a call for DC interns: John McCain needs YOU! The John McCain 2008 Presidential Campaign is looking for interns and volunteers for full-time positions available immediately in our Arlington (Crystal City), headquarters.

Musharraf’s Move



Pervez Musharraf’s move today — his resignation — is the right one for Pakistan. An impeachment process, now avoided, might have further shaken up and aggravated serious, nation-splitting tensions between factions in the military, legal community, and among the competing political parties. However, Musharraf’s enemies now have a problem.

Latest on the Dem VP Race: Not Going to be Bayh, Daschle or Clark



I won’t post sources on this, so any folks are welcome to consider this my fanciful speculation. But sources close to Obama report to me that after the “surge of concern” on the net about Evan Bayh, he has not been selected as Obama’s VP running mate.

Obama to General Wesley Clark: Your Services Not Needed



(General Wesley Clark speaking at Yearly Kos Convention in Chicago, 2007) General Wesley Clark is not attending the Democratic National Convention. I was told by General Clark’s personal office in Little Rock that he would not be attending. Clark was informed by Barack Obama’s people that there was no reason to come.

Scripting America’s Priorities: The Democratic Party Platform



The above forum features Susan Rice, who serves as Barack Obama’s senior foreign policy adviser and is a fellow at Brookings; Karen Kornbluh, who the is principal author of the Democratic Party platform and is on leave as Obama’s Senate office policy director; Steve Coll, President of the New America Foundation; and Maya MacGuineas, President…

Michael Ledeen Leaves AEI



Laura Rozen has the scooplet of the week. She discovered that Michael Ledeen and the American Enterprise Institute have ended their relationship. On the AEI site, Ledeen is listed as “Former Freedom Scholar.” But not to worry, Ledeed is a fully-fledged Freedom Scholar at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.