Guest Post by Judd Legum: Ignore the Pundits! How to Grade Debate Winners and Losers



This is a guest post by Judd Legum, who previously served as Research Director for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign and was a creator of “Think Progress” at the Center for American Progress. This post originally appeared at Huffington Post and is cross-posted with permission.

President of Paraguay Turns Down Meeting with Sarah Palin



I’m not kidding. Paraguay President Fernando Lugo, while attending both the United Nations General Assembly meetings and the Clinton Global Initiative, shared with friends over dinner some of the other meetings he had been having in New York. He met this head of state. . .and that head of state. . .and so on. ….

Bush Does a 9/11 Replay in Asking for Unprecedented Powers and Unprecedented Budget



Just after the September 11th terrorist attacks occurred, George W. Bush went before the nation and made the case that he needed unprecedented authority — budgetary and military — to take on the threats poised at the well-being and safety of the country.

Jack Welch: We are in for a Brutal Time



When Bush-McCain super booster Jack Welch issues warnings six weeks before an election, we are all in real trouble — no matter who wins the election. From a Reuters/Nick Zieminski interview with Welch: Former General Electric Co. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jack Welch said the U.S.