Bail-Out Becomes Buy-In?



I spoke to former World Bank Chief Economist and Initiative for Policy Dialogue President Joseph Stiglitz on Saturday by phone, and he shared with me many of the same points that he does in this excellent article, “A Better Bailout,” on how we needed to structure a financial markets action plan.

Paul Newman: Tears and Thanks for the Passing of a Global Great



It’s amazing that the young, talented, got-everything-he-wanted Paul Newman turned into the globally aware and socially concerned activist he became. On a number of levels, I think that Matt Damon — and even Ben Affleck — resemble at their young age Paul Newman in spirit and human conscientiousness.

Guest Post by Judd Legum: Ignore the Pundits! How to Grade Debate Winners and Losers



This is a guest post by Judd Legum, who previously served as Research Director for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign and was a creator of “Think Progress” at the Center for American Progress. This post originally appeared at Huffington Post and is cross-posted with permission.