MEDIA ALERT: Warren Olney’s “To the Point” on Obama’s Dinner with Saudi King Abdullah



From about 12:10 pm PST/3:10 pm EST, I will be chatting with Warren Olney of To The Point, a nationally syndicated NPR show produced by KCRW and Public Radio International. It is often easiest to listen live online — but a roster of other stations around the country and air times is available here.

The Moskowitz Menace, Jewish Settlements & Middle East Peace



Video journalist Max Blumenthal talks to many in the Jewish settler movement who put it all out there. Winners of the Moskowitz Prize state frankly that they want to continue the ethnic cleansing of Occupied Territories — and young kids parrot the meme that Palestinians have no right to lands that are Israel’s holy lands….

Media Alerts on GM and Obama’s Middle East Adventure & Homage to POA’s “Jake”



Loyal reader of and passionate commentator at The Washington Note, Pissed Off American (aka POA) sent this rendition of his loyal pup “Jake” for me to post. I’ve been meaning to do it for some time — and have enjoyed it on my desk top on somewhat of an exclusive basis.

Guest Note from James Pinkerton: America Needs a Defense that Defends



This is a guest note, exclusive to The Washington Note, by James P. Pinkerton — a contributor to the Fox News Channel and frequent poster at Pinkerton is also fellow at the New America Foundation, and contributing editor at The American Conservative magazine. AMERICA NEEDS A DEFENSE THAT DEFENDS I.

In Japan, Izu Definitely Not in Same Groove as Obama



Obama, Japan is a sleepy Japanese fishing port that went nuts for Obama — cheering him on and dancing for him in March 2008 when “his winning steak in the U.S. presidential primaries stalled.” And above, Obama village dwellers sing “O-B-A-M-A! Obama!” as a tribute to Barack.

Hyping the GITMO Boys Threat



After spending some time in China recently listening to the stories of Chinese officials and others on what roles they played or in what circumstances they or their families suffered during the Cultural Revolution, I can easily imagine twenty or thirty years from now similar historic reflections in the form of special lectures, movies, even…

The Washington Note on the Road



(Steve Clemons and Shanghai Municipal Government official Cao Yang at the Shanghai Museum; photo credit: Peter Pi) This past week, TWN‘s Steve Clemons has been in Beijing, Shanghai, Wuxi, and Shenzhen. Today, we are flying to Tokyo. Monday will be DC. Tuesday and Wednesday — Bonn, Germany. Thursday and Friday — Dallas, Texas.