June 14 Attack on University of Tehran Students



Along the lines of Iran President Ahmadinejad denying the Holocaust, the Ahmadinejad-appointed president of the University of Tehran stated today that there was no attack on university students and no students killed. Outrageous. Via Nico Pitney at Huffington Post, a video has now been posted from the beginning of one frightening attack (pasted above).

Dan Froomkin and White House Watch



Politico‘s Patrick Gavin (who is editing Michael Calderone’s column this week) reports and I have confirmed that Dan Froomkin’s invaluable White House Watch blog has been discontinued at the Washington Post. Froomkin was the new media hybrid of Woodward and Bernstein during the George W.

More Dispatches from Tehran



This is a guest note written by an anonymous student in Tehran. Sent to The Washington Note at 3:50 am on 17 June 2009. So long as the “process” is underway with the Guardian Council I don’t foresee things spinning way out of control. What happened in Azadi, the shootings, wasn’t systematic.