Khaled Mashal Confirms Will Send Delegation to Cairo



AMMAN, JORDAN — On Saturday, 17 October, I interviewed Hamas leader Khaled Mashal on a range of subjects at his offices in Damascus, Syria. The full interview is currently being edited and will be released first at a new blog, The Palestine Note and will then appear here at TWN.

Palestinian Hope Not Dependent on George Mitchell and Politicians



At the Clinton Global Initiative, I interviewed Palestinian-American businessman Hani Masri, founder of Tomorrow’s Youth Organization, an institution based in Nablus in the West Bank of Palestine that is committed to improving the lives and opportunities of young Palestinian women.

Media Alert: Countdown with Keith Olbermann on the Cheney Crowd’s Frustration about Obama’s Nobel



This evening at 8:15 pm Eastern time, I’ll be in Countdown with Keith Olbermann discussing Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize and how crazy it has made some of America’s leading pugnacious nationalists, particularly Liz Cheney. Some background reading: My CNN piece on the subject. A first and second response from the reasonable opposition at Powerline….