Interviewing Khaled Meshal on Palestine, Goldstone, International Law and Israel Peace Process



On the 17th of October this year, I interviewed Hamas leader Khaled Mashal in his offices in Damascus, Syria on a wide range of topics. I did the interview as part of a launch effort for a new political blog, The Palestine Note, which is releasing the interview today.

U.N. Vote to Condemn (Obama’s?) Embargo on Cuba



This is a guest note by Sarah Stephens, Director of the Center for Democracy in the Americas On October 28th, the United Nations General Assembly is expected to vote on a resolution condemning the United States embargo against Cuba. If past is prologue, it will pass resoundingly.

A Look at a National Security State: Interview with “Enemies of the People” Author Kati Marton



I am really enjoying journalist Kati Marton’s new book — an expose on her own family — titled Enemies of the People: My Family’s Journey to America. The book is a poignant red flag for what people, seemingly decent citizens, can do to each other in a paranoid national security state.

Note to Mitt Romney: Get Out of the Foreign Policy Gutter



In contrast to a number of progressives I know, I was generally supportive of and applauded the early stripes of foreign policy realism that former Massachusetts Governor and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney displayed during the beginning of his campaign.

Tzipi Livni Shows Prime Ministerial Stuff on J Street Conference



The more I listen to Congressional Opposition chief John Boehner as of late, the more I wish he could find the dignity and common ground for big objectives that Israel’s Opposition Party Leader, Kadima Party chief Tzipi Livni, has just demonstrated in a knock-the-ball-out-of-the-park letter to the executive director of the self-described pro-Israel, pro-peace group,…

Jim Jones on the Israel-Palestine Circuit



National Security Adviser Jim Jones is getting out more — and this is an excellent thing. He recently reinforced the Obama administration’s commitment to an active role in Israel-Palestine issues at the annual gala dinner of the American Task Force on Palestine.

STREAMING LIVE: America’s Jobs Challenge



Yesterday in the Financial Times, Mort Zuckerman suggested that short of a massive government intervention, America was not going to produce anywhere near the number of jobs that needed to be generated — even as it comes out of recession.