About John Edwards, Even TMZ Doesn’t Care Anymore



This note is reprinted with permission from a note health care policy blogger Brad Wright sent out. Brad blogs at Wright on Health. Even TMZ Doesn’t Care Anymore. . . Just saw John Edwards at the food court at Southpoint Mall (Durham, NC) and absolutely nobody cared.

The Vital Thomas Schelling: Comments on Nukes, Taboos & Iran



Acclaimed strategist and Nobel Laureate in Economics Thomas Schelling gave a command performance at this American Strategy Program meeting I had the privilege to chair with Arms Control Wonk publisher and New America Foundation Nuclear Strategy and Nonproliferation Director Jeffrey Lewis.

More From Jordan’s King Abdullah II: The Status Quo is Unacceptable and Dangerous



After my post about King Abdullah II’s sobering comments that war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanan may be “imminent” to a group of Congressmen organized by Representative Adam Schiff last week, I received a clarification from the Embassy of Jordan that I am glad to post as an update to the meeting and discussion….

Breaking Down The BRICs


The Economist has a lengthy profile of the BRIC bloc of emerging countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China), which appears to be casting itself as an alternative institutional framework to supplement and perhaps counter-balance the wealthy-country-dominated Bretton Woods clubs.