Some Hat Tips and an Open Thread



I’ll be spending most of the day on Sunday flying back to the United States after a couple of eye-opening weeks in Asia. But a hat tip to the 99-year old Michael DeBakey who just passed away and who did change the world with his pioneering work on heart transplants and bypass operations.

Moqtada as-Sadr: Nearly Forgotten, but Far from Gone



Supporters of the surge give many reasons for the dramatic and real reduction of violence in Iraq over the past 16 months. These range from the rise of the Sahwa movement to General Petraeus’s new counterinsurgency strategy to the newfound independence of Nuri al-Maliki’s government, backed by strengthened Iraqi Security Forces.

The Changing Face of Moscow



The monstrous Hotel Rossiya — Europe’s largest hotel with 3,200 rooms — was demolished in 2006. My Muscovite friends tell me that when it was taken down, every building within a half-mile was immediately overrun with cockroaches. Gross. Two years earlier, the Moskva was taken down to make room for a new Four Seasons.