U.S. Playing Catch-Up as Zimbabwean Bid for UNCSD Chair Moves Forward



SustainUS, the U.S. youth network for sustainable development, sends delegations of young people to U.N. sustainable development meetings every year to meet with governments and discover the connections between global challenges and the problems they face in their communities every day.

Politkovskaya Wins Press Freedom Award



Anna Politkovskaya, a journalist who criticized Vladimir Putin’s goverment – and specifically, its prosecution of the war in Chechnya – was posthumously awarded the U.N. World Press Freedom Prize. Posthumously, of course, because she was shot last October, presumably for some completely unrelated reason. As I’ve written here before, this is no isolated incident.

Obama’s Foreign Policy



Barack Obama probably felt the need to outline his broad views on foreign policy because, unlike Joe Biden, John McCain, and Bill Richardson, for example, he hasn’t had the benefit of decades of talk show appearances and floor statements with which to illustrate them. He did just that with a speech today.

U.S. Role in the World? Flash Animators and Global Publics Agree



Congress and the Bush administration, take note: the American public and the international community both want the U.S. to play a different role in the world. It’s not new, but it’s certainly notable. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs and WorldPublicOpinion.org released their latest poll today. In nearly every country polled, including the U.S.