Israel as a Strategic Liability?



This is a guest note by Anthony H. Cordesman, holder of the Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. This piece first appeared as a CSIS brief and is reprinted here with permission.

Tokyo: The View from My Window



For a few more hours, this is generally my view from the Intercontinental ANA Hotel in Tokyo. The white house there in the middle is the home of Obama California campaign finance chair and now US Ambassador to Japan John Roos, who I had the privilege to meet and chat with the evening before last….

Leon’s Lament on Israel’s Self-Undermining Behavior



New Republic Literary Editor Leon Wieseltier is one of America’s chief gatekeepers on Jewish experience, culture and politics and has recently been one of those who has led in American journalistic circles in rebuking uncomfortable arguments by Peter Beinart and Andrew Sullivan about Israel’s self-destructive behavior.

Why Did They Shoot So Many in the Head?



I don’t understand the Israeli government defense of the ‘shoot to kill’ behavior of commandos that stormed the Turkish flotilla going toward Gaza. The protesters used primitive weapons — bats, slingshots, etc.

Cool Ad



For a few days I am in Tokyo, the home of the world’s coolest ads. But this one for McDonald’s, which is airing in France, ranks really well.

Are the U.S. and Turkey Still Allies?



(Photo Credit: Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow Steven Cook, writing in Foreign Policy, suggests that the Flotilla incident is the latest evidence that dreams of a “model partnership” between the United States and Turkey are mere fantasy.