Max Blumenthal on Why the Israeli Government Cannot Investigate the Flotilla Disaster


(original clip — video released by the IDF on May 31)
Max Blumenthal has been working over time to challenge the Israeli government claims and releases on what happened during the clash between IDF forces and the Turkish flotilla bound for Gaza.
Blumenthal has already successfully gotten the Israel Foreign Ministry to back off its original claims that the flotilla was connected to al Qaeda terrorist affiliates.

(doctored clip — released on June 4)
Now Blumenthal has discovered doctoring of the radio exchanges between the defense forces and the Turkish ships. The Israeli government is distributing the altered/doctored versions of these clips — and this undermines the legitimacy of any effort by the Israeli government to investigate the incident even if unbiased, dispassionate players in Israel’s political establishment really wanted to know what happened.
Read this material and watch these clips from Max Blumenthal.
— Steve Clemons
Update: More from the Palestine Note.


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