What’s Wrong (and Right) With this Recovery



Many people believe that beneath the jitters surrounding the European debt crisis and geopolitical unrest, economic fundamentals are strong and the economy is on a path to a sustainable recovery. But, there are worrying signs that the recovery is fragile and based on temporary government support to consumption and a reflation of some asset markets….

Obama Takes Down (the Wrong) Prime Minister



Japan Prime Minister and Democratic Party of Japan leader Yukio Hatoyama, whose amazing electoral victory last year unseating the long dominant Liberal Democratic Party, has announced that he is stepping down from his position for failing to deliver on a key campaign promise to the Japanese people about moving the US Marine Futenma Air Station…

Drones and the Death of Al Qaeda’s No. 3



A couple of friends and I recently participated in a study group session discussing Afghanistan and Pakistan with former Afghanistan-deployed US foreign service officer and former Marine Matthew Hoh. In passing he posed the question “What’s the most dangerous job in the Middle East?” Hoh’s answer: “Being the Number 3 leader in al-Qaeda.

Violence & Hubris in the Israel-Flotilla Crisis



Above is a video taken by Israeli Defense Force personnel of the beatings and violence unleashed as IDF seals boarded the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara. The IDF should not have boarded the vessels — and the activists should not have engaged in such violence.

LIVE STREAM at 12:15 pm: Peter Beinart on Hubris and Foreign Policy



New America Foundation fellow and Daily Beast columnist Peter Beinart has received overwhelming attention recently for his controversial and vitally important piece on American Jews, Jewish organizations and Israel. But he is also the author of a new and wide-ranging book, The Icarus Syndrome: A History of American Hubris.

Open Comments: Rip Van Winkle and the Middle East



I had a bit of a schedule change in the last couple of days and had to catch a flight to Doha on short notice. I am here now, but when I boarded the plane, all was still as it was in the Middle East — not peaceful, but not on the brink either.

America’s Afghanistan Quagmire: Nobody is Winning



Nation editor Katrina vanden Heuvel published last week in the Washington Post a no nonsense assessment of America’s situation in Afghanistan. Read the entire oped, but the zingers are that General Stanley McChrystal has acknowledged that there is a stalemate in Afghanistan now.