Turkey and the Iranian Nuclear Issue
(Photo Credit: State Department) This post also appears at The Race for Iran. Iranian Petroleum Minister Masoud Mirkazemi’s visit to Turkey last week highlighted Turkey’s multifarious equities vis-a-vis Iran.
(Photo Credit: State Department) This post also appears at The Race for Iran. Iranian Petroleum Minister Masoud Mirkazemi’s visit to Turkey last week highlighted Turkey’s multifarious equities vis-a-vis Iran.
General Curtis LeMay was a tough, often brilliant, pugnacious deployer of air power — organizing the debilitating and destructive carpet bombing campaigns of Japan and later viewed by many as being a bit too trigger happy when it came to using nuclear weapons against the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
(Moon Over Paris, photo credit: Ben Rosengart; click image to make larger) Long-time TWN reader Ben Rosengart sent me three terrific shots this past week from three different windows he was housed in. I decided to post them one at a time. Above is part three, taken in Paris.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
No matter how different observers have reacted to the massive dumping of classified documents by WikiLeaks on Sunday, one of the themes garnering the most attention was that of connections between the Taliban, al Qaeda, and Pakistan’s powerful Inter Services Intelligence (ISI).
One of the zingers from the WikiLeaks War Diaries — some 92,000 classified reports on secret military hunting squads, on military encounters with the Taliban, unreported accidental killings of innocent civilians, and more — is that there may be detailed logistics and financial support of the Afghanistan Taliban by Pakistan’s ISI, or Inter-Services Intelligence.
TNR Senior Editor Noam Scheiber thinks that Elizabeth Warren is confirmable if nominated and thinks that Obama wins by pushing this button.
(Boats in Brittany, photo credit: Ben Rosengart; click image to make larger) Long-time TWN reader Ben Rosengart sends in three views from three windows. I’m going to post them one at a time. This is part two, taken in Brittany. This was part one. The next yet to come is Paris.
(photo credit: PBS NewsHour) My New America Foundation colleague Steve Coll, a winner of two Pulitzer Prizes and one of the nation’s leading national security and intelligence experts on Pakistan, Afghanistan and India, appeared on The PBS NewsHour yesterday evening along with NewsHour correspondent Jeffrey Brown and journalist Philip Smucker to discuss the impact and…
While I think that RNC Chairman Michael Steele was pretty much on the money with his critique of the Afghanistan War, this is probably yet another wrong-headed landmine he’s stepped on. As TPMdc has revealed, Steele is organizing a party fundraising event at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Los Angeles featuring Andrew Breitbart and others….