A Surprise at the RNC’s Election Countdown Event!



While I think that RNC Chairman Michael Steele was pretty much on the money with his critique of the Afghanistan War, this is probably yet another wrong-headed landmine he’s stepped on. As TPMdc has revealed, Steele is organizing a party fundraising event at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Los Angeles featuring Andrew Breitbart and others….

John Kerry Smells the Pentagon Papers



I don’t know if Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry has ever met Daniel Ellsberg or not, but with this statement — which stands in stark contrast to the condemnatory comments from the White House about the WikiLeaks Afghanistan War Logs — Kerry shows he has a respect for Pentagon Papers moments.

Afghanistan Field Report: Losing the Arghandab They Never Had



This is a guest note by Al Jazeera correspondent Clayton Swisher who is currently embedded with US troops fighting in Afghanistan. This essay originally ran on Al Jazeera’s “The Asia Blog.” (The photo below is of 82nd Airborne soldiers in Arghandab; Photo by Tom Nicholson; reprinted with permission.

The View from Your Window



(Arc-en-Ciel, photo credit: Ben Rosengart; click image to make larger) Long-time TWN reader Ben Rosengart sends in three views from three windows. I’m going to post them one at a time during the day today. This is part one, a rainbow, or l’arc-en-ciel. Two are from Brittany and one from Paris. Beautiful shots. Thanks Ben….

Deng Xiaoping’s Gate


One of the strange realities of modern China is that Mao’s image, which hangs over the main gate into the Forbidden City, is still evident in lots of places. The horrors of the Cultural Revolution are part of Mao’s identity — and yet there is still more reverence of him than I’d expect.