Glenn Beck’s Obsessive Compulsive Soros Twitch



Yesterday evening, I watched Glenn Beck’s ‘defamercial‘ on George Soros. There is already much commentary out there — Michael Tomasky’s being among the best — that knocks back the slime, slurs, and defamation of Soros by Fox and Beck. I encourage you to watch the show, if one can call it that.

Air Force One Off Into the Smog



I just caught AFP correspondent Stephen Collinson’s pool report from India as President Obama wraps up his trip there. Here is the full, short report. . .but catch the last line on Air Force One taxiing off into the smog. Pool Report # 1, Nov, 9 — New Delhi Motorcade rolled at 8.

The View from My Window



(click image for larger version) I am up north of New York City today where it’s rainy, windy, and beautiful. Thanks to the hospitality of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, I’ll be staying at the Pocantico Conference Center which is the former coach and horse barn for Kykuit, the estate of John D. Rockefeller.

Jeb Bush: Silky Sullivan Surprise in 2012?



I don’t care what he says and don’t care what the analysts think, my hunch is that Jeb Bush may be lurking way behind in the shadows preparing to run in 2012 — and that could be a very tough race for President Obama. And even if he doesn’t then, he’s only 63 in 2016….

My Election Facebook Update



Steven Clemons: Can it really be possible that every single issue I care about — from DADT, to jobs and infrastructure, to smarter foreign policy strategy, Iran, China, Afghanistan War, Israel/Palestine, Cuba, Syria, energy-led innovation projects, climate, the broader Middle East, to global economic rebalancing, to global institutional reform, the START Treaty, Law of the…

Dems Choke in Red Tide



It’s 1:40 am, and I have just finished election night. The Republicans have gained 60 more seats than they last had in the House of Representatives and six in the US Senate. A new era has begun. John Boehner and Eric Cantor have gone from eccentric fringe to near monarchs over night.

National Security Priorities of the 112th Congress



Anticipating National Security Priorities in the 112th Congress from Stimson Center on Vimeo. Gordon Adams, a distinguished fellow at the Stimson Center, is one of the nation’s premier national security budget experts and a big part of the muscle behind the defense budget blog, The Will and the Wallet.