The FP 100 is Out



Foreign Policy just released its roster of the Top 100 Global Thinkers (and Doers): Warren Buffett and Bill Gates * Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Robert Zoellick * Barack Obama * Zhou Xiaochuan * Ben Bernanke * Celso Amorim * Ahmet Davutoglu * David Petraeus * Robert Gates * Angela Merkel * Michael Bloomberg and Feisal Abdul…

Thanksgiving Sorrow from Afghanistan



This morning I received this Department of Defense announcement about a young man, William J. Donnelly IV, killed on active duty on Thanksgiving Day in Helmand Province. Politics and views on this war aside, condolences to his family and friends.

Obama Mash-up: Don’t Touch My Junk



On a more serious front, read Dana Milbank’s logic knock on the heads of a few leading allegedly fiscally conservative Republicans who have been pining for the level of security that Israel applies at its airports.

Everyone Pushing New Boundaries on Obama



Since the Republican red tide swept across America on November 2nd, President Obama has been threatened by Republicans who want to roll back key provisions of his health care reform, are threatening to derail the START Treaty, and want to pull the plug on as much Obama-crafted policy as possible.

Mt. Fuji: Picture of the Day



Had a great time in Hakone, Japan where I took this amazing shot of Mt. Fuji. Years ago, I climbed all night to get the top of this volcano and saw the sun rise. High on the memorable list.