America’s Afghanistan Money Pit



(graphic credit: Barrie Maguire) Richard Vague has written an interesting short essay criticizing his fellow American fiscal conservatives for their silence on the Afghanistan War. Vague opens: My fellow fiscal conservatives are letting me down.

Danny Ayalon Needs To Thank Palestinians Too



Israel Deputy Foreign Minister penned a heartfelt oped in the Jerusalem Post expressing thanks to various international players for their offered and provided relief in the terrible Carmel fire disaster in Israel.

A Vision in Manama



This is a guest post written by Matthew M. Reed, a research intern with the New America Foundation/American Strategy Program. The United States has for decades prioritized the Persian Gulf.

Media Alert: Talking Chalmers Johnson



For those interested in the work and contributions of Chalmers Johnson, I’ll be chatting this morning with National Public Radio’s Worldview Host Jerome McDonnell of WBEZ Chicago. Best to check the schedule at McDonnell’s website.

Agendas & Intel Ops Behind Wikileaks?



My powder is dry on the interesting subject that Zbigniew Brzezinski raised on PBS NewsHour. He suggested that in this enormous Wikileaks data dump of largely trivial cables, there are selections of highly pointed and embarrassing material. Brzezinski asks if someone with designs has planted this or selectively leaked to the operation.

Non-Wikileaks Revelations on Libya



For those of you who can never get enough leaked U.S. government documents but are tired of Wikileaks, The Atlantic’s Max Fisher had a must-read scoop from this weekend about a once-secret deal to remove highly enriched uranium that very nearly went sour. He details the never-before-released news that the U.S.