Bernard Lewis & Fouad Ajami Kissed the Ring Enough Times



The White House has just released the roster of people being recognized for contributions to the arts and humanities. George and Laura Bush plan to award each his National Humanities Medal tomorrow (Thursday) morning. Bottoming out the list are two Bush ring-kissers and great buddies of Ahmad Chalabi: Bernard Lewis and Fouad Ajami.

<em>TWN</em> Media Alert



Washington Post Radio at 9:40 a.m. And thanks to CNN, BBC, and WNYC’s Brian Lehrer Show for an amazing evening last night as I bopped between networks.

WOW! Checks & Balances Back in Style



Most of you you know what has happened, but many of TWN‘s international readers want a quick and compact picture. First of all, yesterday afternoon, TWN predicted the following: U.S. House of Representatives 201 Republicans 234 Democrats U.S. Senate 51 Republicans 47 Democrats 2 Independents (caucus with Dems) What the polls show today is: U.S….

George Allen May LOSE to Jim Webb



What a night! 99% of precincts reporting and James Webb now leads George Allen by about 2,500 votes. Mixed feelings on this one. A while back I hoped that George Allen would hold himself together long enough politically to challenge John McCain for the Republican presidential nomination (and win).

Kirsten Gillibrand & Ron Klein Put Dems Over the Top in House



11:07 p.m. That’s it. The investigations and testimony — under oath — will begin. Presidential campaigns start tomorrow. Kirsten Gillibrand in New York-20 and Ron Klein in Florida-22 put the Dems over the magic half-way point in the House. Nancy Pelosi now reigns. Big, very big.

11 p.m. Dems Close to Changing the Course of this Nation



It’s 11 p.m. here at CNN’s blogfest. Great people here — most of whom I know via email but very different to actually meet the pajama crowd in person. At this DCCC site, reports are the Dems are now just two seats away from taking over the House of Representatives. Exciting.

Senate Control Teetering on Edge



This is an exciting evening. Santorum loses. Chafee — who voted against George W. Bush in the last election — loses. Menendez keeps his seat in New Jersey. Blue states are getting bluer. Hal Ford is going down in the South. Allen and Webb are flipping every few minutes.

Chafee Loses: Dems Teeing Up For Big Win



Wow. Well, I did prefer that Senator Lincoln Chafee win his race — but also know that Sheldon Whitehouse is considered by many to be a great candidate. I very much hope that Whitehouse continue the same course on foreign policy that Chafee bravely pursued this year.