An Insider’s Insider: Richard Hohlt and the Plame Affair



This is an intriguing story that hit Newsweek on the role and influence of a relatively unknown super lobbyist and former staffer to Richard Lugar, Richard Hohlt. Hohlt is one of the major heavyweights in Republican party fundraising. Check out how he has spread the wealth.

Chuck Hagel’s Future: All Options on the Table



Senators Chuck Hagel (R-RI) and Jack Reed (D-NH) just acquitted themselves very well on Tim Russert’s Meet the Press. Hagel made an articulate, compelling call for a new American comprehensive strategy in the Middle East that includes robust diplomacy, coordination with moderate Sunni regimes in the Middle East and new forms of economic engagement.

Senate Voting on Cloture to Move to Iraq Surge Resolution



Cloture Vote to move to consideration of Iraq Surge Resolution fails in 56-34 vote, in which 60 votes were needed. The Senate vote on cloture to move to consideration of the House Resolution opposing the President’s escalation of troop deployments in Iraq is taking place now just took place.

The Actors in the Spring 2003 Iran Proposal to the U.S.



To tell the full story of the Spring 2003 dance that Iran, the U.S., and Europe briefly engaged in regarding a set of proposals — allegedly from both sides that would have led to normalizing US-Iran relations — one has to set the parameters of both stage and performers in this drama.

America’s Worst President?



USA Today founder Al Neuharth once chastised Senator Hillary Clinton for stating that George W. Bush’s presidency was one of American history’s worst. Neuharth promptly made his own list of worse presidents. Now, he has recanted and offered a mea culpa: I remember every president since Herbert Hoover, when I was a grade school kid….

McCain’s New Campaign Site Very Cool



John McCain, today, has announced his new presidential campaign website, and I like it. I’m a sucker for “gray” colors — and this site has a lot of shades of gray in it, in real terms and metaphorically.