Iran’s Bloggers



I had an interesting lunch meeting yesterday with German Bundestag Member Steffen Kampeter who chairs the Bundestag’s CDU/CSU Parliamentary Budget Committee — and among the many topics we discussed was the impact of blogs and blogging on American politics. Our discussion included the still nascent emergence of German blogs and bloggers.

Hillary and the Foreign Policy Establishment



American Prospect editor-at-large Michael Tomasky has written a brave critique on The Guardian‘s “Comment is Free” Blog of Hillary Clinton’s reasons for not saying “sorry” after her supportive votes of President Bush’s Middle East military adventure.

Evolving Beyond the Chili Pepper



This post will no doubt stir the wrath of many friends in New Mexico, where I visit frequently. I have never been a fan of eating chili peppers — though I seemed to have to when I worked for Senator Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico.

Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons May be Next Duke Cunningham



(Jim Gibbons welcoming Vice President Cheney to Elko, Nevada) Former House of Representatives Member and incumbent Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is now under investigation for receiving illegal gifts from an executive at a defense contractor, eTreppid Technologies from Reno.

IRAN Conferene A “GO” Today in Snowy Washington, DC



This conference will proceed as scheduled today — despite the weather. The US Senate just informed us that they are open, caterers are there — and I’ll be there. For those of you iced and snowed in, read Glenn Kessler’s piece today — and look for news from Flynt Leverett on this subject later today….