Obama’s Strategic Approach to Latin America



Sarah Stephens, Director of the Center for Democracy in the Americas, got this fantastic clip of Barack Obama speaking about US policy towards Latin America at the TC Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia — and made some apt comments about Cuba and Venezuela.

Media Alert: Australia Radio with Deborah Cameron


Every week — usually on Tuesdays (but not this week) — I chat about American politics with radio show host Deborah Cameron on 702 ABC Sydney radio. I really enjoy it and find her a very well informed, thoughtful host who digs into a lot in a short ten minutes.

Details, Details, Details — We Need More Debates



I am a Grinch when it comes to rallies. I don’t like the noise, the spinwheels, the signs, and the illusion of joy. The high flying speeches and smiles, the ritual of orchestrated applause — the happy screaming. I don’t like hype. I want detail.

Coffee House Alert: San Francisco and Tokyo



I haven’t been doing many coffee house meetings during my travels lately because my schedule has been out of control — but for those interested and in the respective corners of the world I’m going to — I can meet tomorrow (Thursday) in either San Francisco or Berkeley mid-day or early evening.

Anticipating the Lines of Attack



I don’t think that the Dem race is near over — but it’s wise to seriously consider the lines of attack that John McCain’s team will take against Hillary and/or Obama — both if they are partnered on the final ticket.

Remembering Bad Memories



In 1988, voter turnout in the primary season hit a then-record of 35 million — 23 million of these were Democratic and 12 million Republican. And we’re not saying “President Dukakis”.

Maryland: Obama and McCain Declared the Winners



Obama is genuinely in the lead for the first time in this election. Before the Maryland prediction was announced, analysts have Obama leading Hillary Clinton by 8 delegates when counting both pledged and committed superdelegates. His lead is razor thin, but it is a lead. He has momentum.