When Facts Don’t Matter, What Do You Do?



Thank you, Dan Froomkin. Froomkin writes at the Washington Post‘s “White House Watch” and also at Nieman Watchdog. Froomkin captured something I have been feeling but haven’t quite articulated in a post he sent me last night.

What Books on America Has Sarah Palin Read?



(Suffragist Susan B. Anthony) Despite the superficial celebration by some and criticism by others that George W. Bush says that he doesn’t read many of America’s leading papers, the 43rd President of the United States reads a great deal of quality work.

TGIF: The Campaign Funnies, Fair and Balanced



Inspired by occasional TWN reader, George Stephanopoulos. . . First on the pro-McCain side: Moonbats dropping like flies from PDS epidemic It’s America’s newest disease – only diagnosed by some in the media a few days ago – but it is spreading among the nation’s Beautiful People at an alarming rate.

The Holtz-Eakin Gap?



Douglas Holtz-Eakin was introduced to me years ago at a dinner of friends organized by Democrat and economic wunderkind Adam Posen who is a senior staff member at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. I liked him instantly and still do.

Too Casual About a Potential Cataclysmic War



Neither the U.S. or Russia should appease each other’s worst behaviors — but threatening war with cataclysmic potential with the world’s only other arrmed-to-the-teeth nuclear heavyweight ought to be accompanied by more than a “perhaps so” when queried about a possible direct armed conflict with Russia. If this race were between Joe Biden vs.

Matt Damon Agrees with Lincoln Chafee



It’s clear that Matt Damon agrees with former Senator (and former Republican) Lincoln Chafee who said this about Palin: I do think she is dangerous for the future of the country having such limited experience and sharing that aggressive, belligerent approach to the world. That’s not in our long term best interests.

Remembering William Odom For Saying It as He Saw It



Lt. General and former National Security Agency Director William Odom once wrote this about the Iraq War: The invasion of Iraq may well turn out to be the greatest strategic disaster in American history. In any event, the longer we stay, the worse it will be.