Post by Nir Rosen: Blowback from Iraq



Here is TWN Contributor Nir Rosen’s latest article on Iraq that ran in “The National” on 26 September 2008. We Run the Road Nir Rosen reports from Majd al Anjar, where the rage of young men mixes with the sectarian fervour spilling over Iraq’s borders.

Jack Welch: We are in for a Brutal Time



When Bush-McCain super booster Jack Welch issues warnings six weeks before an election, we are all in real trouble — no matter who wins the election. From a Reuters/Nick Zieminski interview with Welch: Former General Electric Co. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jack Welch said the U.S.

TWN: Top 50 Political Blogs



. . .but who’s counting. I haven’t paid much attention to the various rankings and web awards out there. My blog roll is painfully out of date and need to fix that.

A Lot of Israelis and a Lot of Saudis for Barack Obama?



Senator Jeff Bingaman‘s support group in New Mexico used to be called (and may still be) “A Lot of Folks for Jeff Bingaman.” I always liked how unpretentious the name of his PAC was. Well. . .I have stumbled across “A Lot of Saudis and Israelis for Barack Obama.

On McCain’s Call to Postpone Debate, What Do You Think?



John McCain has suspended his campaign activities and is calling for Friday night’s debate to be postponed so that he and his party, and Barack and his, can work on resolving the nation’s financial crisis. He has called on Obama to do the same. I think that this move is part of McCain’s campaign.