I Spit My Last Breath at Thee



Apparently, John Bolton isn’t the only one who didn’t get the message that he’s irrelevant. Harlan Watson, chief climate negotiator under the Bush Administration, is up to his old tricks.

Media Alert: Amy Goodman’s “Democracy Now!”



This morning, some time after 8:00 am EST, I’ll be discussing President-elect Obama’s national security team with Amy Goodman. Journalist and author Robert Dreyfuss will also be on the show. Later this morning, I’ll be giving a talk on US-Japan-Russia issues at the Nixon Center in DC. . . . . .

Media Alert: Rachel Maddow and Olbermann’s Countdown



Tonight, a bit after 6 p.m. EST, I will be on Rachel Maddow’s Air America show talking about terrorism in Mumbai as well as Barack Obama’s national security team unveiled today. Then, later this evening, I’ll be chatting about Obama’s big foreign policy hires on Keith Olbermann’s Countdown.

Madame Secretary



Hillary Clinton is going to add yet another chapter to her incredibly fascinating life — lawyer, feminist, first lady, healthcare diva, U.S. senator, and now secretary of state at a time when America’s foreign policy and national security positions are dramatically eroded.

The Washington Note’s Holiday Book List



I’m going to make a list of books here — some out recently — and some others that I think are just great reads for people to consider picking up over the holidays. I’m going to make this an ongoing list as I get so many requests from people for books to read.

Smart Commentary on Mumbai Disaster



I work with some of the greatest minds in the country when it comes to understanding what is going on in the global terrorism field — Steve Coll, Peter Bergen, Nicholas Schmidle, Robert Wright, Tim Golden, Afshin Molavi, and others.

War Profiteering



The first blog post I did over four years ago at The Washington Note had to do with the subject of war profiteering and players in the national security establishment that were making money from defense contractors while also serving as so-called “objective” commentators on the war, weapons systems, and the like.