Moving Cuba Out of America’s “Domestic Policy Box”



Seven U.S. Congressmen are in Havana and met with Cuban President Raul Castro among other leading Cuban politicians. What I found most interesting in the Associated Press report on their trip was a comment made by Representative Mel Watt about something he had read of Fidel Castro’s.

Foreign Policy Thoughts on Obama from Susan Eisenhower



(photo credit: Jon-Christopher Bua) Susan Eisenhower and I were interviewed outdoors today atop a building overlooking the Capitol by Sky News on the subject of Obama’s trip to the London G-20 Summit, the EU Summit and the NATO Summit — followed by a significant trip to Turkey.

Guest Post by Amjad Atallah: You Cannot Put Out Fire With Flames



(Photo Credit: Dutchmetal’s photostream) Amjad Atallah co-directs the New America Foundation/Middle East Task Force . President Obama quoted this Turkish aphorism toward the end of his 27 minute speech before the Turkish Parliament. It was, in essence, a summation of his rejection of the policies of the previous eight years.

The Sad Truth in a Story about an India without Women



This is a guest post by Joshua Meah. Meah is a former research intern with the New America Foundation’s “American Strategy Program.” He is writing from Mumbai, India. Matrubhoomi: A Nation Without Women, an Indian film by Manish Jha, is one of the most intense, thought-provoking, heart-wrenching and brutally honest cinematic experiences of my lifetime….

Rachel Maddow’s Colin Powell Interview



Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy Rachel Maddow opens her interesting interview with General Colin Powell who served as Secretary of State during the George W.

G-20 Assessment: Good For the Developing World, Stimulus Not Addressed



This post on the G-20 was originally published on the New American Contract blog, Value Added: After watching Gordon Brown on the live webcast of the London G-20 Summit, it appears that leaders have made some serious headway on one of the two major criteria laid out by Martin Wolf at the New America Foundation…