What Can America Offer Its Allies?


What can the United States offer its allies? Throughout the Cold War, the answer was simple: the United States guaranteed its allies security from the Soviet Union. But this question – which seems so basic – is difficult to answer today.

Comments Closed


The comments on my blog have grown increasingly vile — and are not in any way constructive, civil, fair-minded, or policy-oriented. I am turning them off. The primary violators of my policy know who they are. There are rampant ad hominem attacks on TWN now, comments about the personal lives and relations of other commenters….

Give Joe Biden MVP Award This Week on Obama Foreign Policy Team



Richard Wolffe wrote in his Obama campaign memoir that the President sees most of his challenges in basketball metaphors and that he’s turned on by nail-biting contests when he, Barack Obama, can switch things up in the contest and come in to make the key decisions and plays that achieve a win.

Leo Hindery on America’s Jobs Quagmire



Watch the latest business video at FOXBusiness.com Former AT&T Broadband CEO Leo Hindery outlines in this seven minute Fox Business clip the severity of America’s jobs crisis and throws some ideas on to the table on what the country could do — particularly when it comes to US government procurement and US domestic investment incentives….

Picture of Confidence



Pictures often say a lot — but this one even more. China’s growing confidence is clear in this shot of General Xu Caihou, who serves as the second-highest ranking officer in China’s military. General Xu visited the US Pacific Command at Ft.

On U.S Middle East Policy and Amateurism



This is a guest note by Daniel Levy, co-director of the Middle East Task Force at the New America Foundation. During the Barak Government, Levy worked in the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office as special adviser and head of Jerusalem Affairs, following which Mr.