IMF Protesters Try to Disrupt Cambridge University Address by Strauss-Kahn



(photo credit: Steve Clemons, The Washington Note) IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn is “cool under fire”, as Central European University President John Shattuck said when introducing him, and didn’t break his stride during his interesting presentation to a group convened by the Institute for New Economic Thinking at Kings College, University of Cambridge.

Tragedy Memorializing Tragedy: Another Sad Day in the Poland-Russia Narrative



This morning at a conference in Cambridge, England titled “The Economic Crisis and the Crisis in Economics” sponsored by the Institute for New Economic Thinking, alerts on the blackberries and iPhones of the various governmental and journalistic representatives here started beeping and vibrating with news that the President of Poland Lech Kaczynski, his wife Maria…

Kings College: The Ducks That Matter



(photo credit: James Mawson) I didn’t take this picture. I think it was taken a few months ago by Cambridge University Kings College senior James Mawson who is studying music at this ancient and interesting foundation of learning. John Maynard Keynes and Henry VI are the two personalities that basically dominate the scene at Kings….