The Vital Thomas Schelling: Thinking Through the Thinkable on Iran



If you are in or near Washington, DC at 12:15 pm on Friday, you should come to the New America Foundation and spend some time absorbing the way Nobel Laureate in Economics Thomas Schelling thinks about states with nuclear weapons — and potentially a nuclear-armed Iran. Here is the event info.

Jordan’s King Says Israel-Hezbollah-Lebanon War May be “Imminent”



Congressman Adam Schiff hosted a “Members Only” meeting of the ‘Congressional Friends of Jordan Caucus’ in the US House of Representatives this morning in the CVC Congressional Meeting Room with Jordan’s King Abdullah II. According to one attendee in the session, “the King’s message was sobering.

Keith Olbermann Tonight: McCain Back to Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran



Tonight at about 8:20 pm, I’ll be back with Keith Olbermann on MSNBC’s Countdown discussing Senator John McCain’s call on President Obama to “pull the trigger” on bombing Iran. The jingle could be laughed off. The Senator’s remarks today can’t be.

Mr. President: For $30,000 a Couple, Listen to Gloria — but Make Sure You Listen to Some Other Folks Too



This is a guest note by Sarah Stephens, executive director of the Center for Democracy in the Americas. President Obama, Gloria Estefan, and the US National Interest In a few hours, President Obama will visit the home of Emilio and Gloria Estefan for a fundraising event that will cost attendees $30,400 per couple.

Obama’s Nuclear Wizardry and the Iran Factor



Yesterday, I had a terrific exchange with Pete Dominick on his Stand Up with Pete Dominick Show on XM and Sirius Radio on President Obama’s nuclear summitry and what it all means. He actually read a question from one of my commenters, POA (aka “Pissed Off American”) about Israel.

Counting it Down with Keith Olbermann Tonight on Obama’s Nuclear Summitry



Tonight just after Keith Olbermann opens his show, MSNBC’s Countdown, at about 8:05 pm, I will be chatting with him about President Barack Obama’s nuclear summitry. I’m in the “impressed” column with what Obama and his team have been lining up.

Soros as Intellectual Protagonist


The evening before last, George Soros offered some remarks at the launch conference of the Institute for New Economic Thinking taking place in the Cambridge University Kings College environs where John Maynard Keynes imagined and drafted an entirely new economic system for that time in global history.