Not a Smiths Song: Some National Security Advisers Matter More Than Others



General Jim Jones is an interesting kind of national security adviser. He doesn’t pretend to be an architect of strategic leaps like Zbigniew Brzezinski, Brent Scowcroft, or Henry Kissinger — who had to wrestle with a tense nuclear weapons-edged global Cold War with lots of abounding episodes of heat.

Eugene Delgaudio’s Really Weird Rant: Beware the RADICAL Homosexuals



(Sterling, VA District Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio checking in with Senator Jeff Sessions) Eugene Delgaudio is the District Supervisor in Sterling, Virginia. This is — for certain — the craziest, most bizarre political letter I have ever read. And I have read a lot.

About John Edwards, Even TMZ Doesn’t Care Anymore



This note is reprinted with permission from a note health care policy blogger Brad Wright sent out. Brad blogs at Wright on Health. Even TMZ Doesn’t Care Anymore. . . Just saw John Edwards at the food court at Southpoint Mall (Durham, NC) and absolutely nobody cared.

The Vital Thomas Schelling: Comments on Nukes, Taboos & Iran



Acclaimed strategist and Nobel Laureate in Economics Thomas Schelling gave a command performance at this American Strategy Program meeting I had the privilege to chair with Arms Control Wonk publisher and New America Foundation Nuclear Strategy and Nonproliferation Director Jeffrey Lewis.

More From Jordan’s King Abdullah II: The Status Quo is Unacceptable and Dangerous



After my post about King Abdullah II’s sobering comments that war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanan may be “imminent” to a group of Congressmen organized by Representative Adam Schiff last week, I received a clarification from the Embassy of Jordan that I am glad to post as an update to the meeting and discussion….

Beyond Hubris: US Military Finally Gets Robert Pape’s Message



(photo credit: Greg Jaffe of Washington Post; see his photo essay) Greg Jaffe has a fascinating piece in the Washington Post today highlighting recognition by the US military that it blew it in Afghanistan’s Korengal Valley. The insurgents there were fighting for not some radical cause — but against American occupation.

America’s Iran Challenge: John McCain on Wrong Course



Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy America does have an Iran challenge. Senator John McCain is not wrong in thinking that there needs to be a smarter strategy that gets Iran off of what many believe to be a nuclear weapons and/or large-scale full fuel cycle course.