A Soldier’s Magnanimity: Comment from Brady Van Engelen



I posted a comment the day before yesterday on a New America Foundation sponsored screening that I helped host (with my colleague Jenny Buntman) of Gunner Palace. There were some interesting folks in the audience, including the mother of one of the memorable characters in Michael Tucker’s documentary.

Should We Keep the Politics Out? Comments on “Gunner Palace” Screening Last Night



SPC Stuart Wilf is a character that I’m going to have a hard time forgetting. He was one of the soldiers profiled in the documentary, Gunner Palace, soon to be released across the country. He’s from Colorado Springs — and might be President someday.

Canadian Eloquence on Freedom & Minority Rights — and What a Real Constitutional Amendment Ought to be About Anyway. . .



The other day, I was moved by this Colbert King column that made the link betweeen the W.E.B. Du Bois-led civil rights movement at Niagara Falls 100 years ago and the pursuit of equal rights for gays and lesbians and the legalization of same-sex marriage.