New Nightmare: Neocon Chieftain Paul Wolfowitz to Head World Bank?



A while back, Washington Post columnist Sebastian Mallaby wrote a good piece on the qualities he thought the next World Bank president ought to have — and he disqualified a number of candidates who were in the news then. Here is my link to that discussion.

Note to Bob Kaplan: Mission Creep to Just Doing it All?



Robert D. Kaplan, a former colleague of mine at the New America Foundation and a correspondent for the Atlantic Monthly, has an interesting and provocative piece in the New York Times this morning that basically argues that tough, fire-breathing Marines can be cuddly and do great humanitarian relief work as well.

Note to <em>TWN</em> Readers



I am still here and getting some posts ready on Bush’s foreign policy, particularly the important trends in some key Middle East states. I have been offline for several days because of travel and because of a really nasty chest cold that has kept me down despite being in Hawaii on a work trip.

China’s Investment in Beijing-Centered 21st Century Multilateralism



One of the mistakes of American foreign policy over the last several decades was to not heavily invest in, build, and fortify serious multilateral security and economic institutions among Asian nations. America has not really taken APEC seriously and on the security front has long chosen to rely on bilateral arrangements between the U.S.

Wow! We Won One! <em>Gunner Palace</em> Wins its Battle for PG-13 Rating



Thanks to all of you who signed the Gunner Palace petition requesting that the Motion Picture Association of America revise its “R” rating of the film to “PG-13”. This is a big win for Michael Tucker who shot this documentary and the soldiers whose story he helps tell in their words.

Did Stan Shih Really Say that a Woman’s Place was in the Home?



I am just wrapping up an interesting conference in Kauai sponsored by the BMW Foundation which assembled about 50 alumni of the foundation’s various young leaders programs over the last decade. We had a bunch of Russians here, Germans, Chinese, Americans, and some individuals from Singapore, Canada, the Netherlands, and India. Fascinating group of people….