Wurmser & Clemons Discuss Egypt & Implications for US Foreign Policy



David Wurmser, Vice President Cheney’s Middle East Adviser during the George W. Bush Administration, and I had an interesting discussion about developments in Egypt and implications for US foreign policy on BBC Radio 4. The five minute clip can be listened to here.

Al Jazeera: Digital Revolutions & Social Network Wars


(click on image for larger version) Tomorrow at 2:45 pm in New York at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism (Lecture Hall, 3rd Floor), Al Jazeera is organizing a public (no charge) meeting hosted by Al Jazeera Empire host Marwan Bishara titled “Information Wars.

Egyptian Foreign Minister: US Should Not Impose Will on Egypt; Violence Against Uprising Possible



PBS NewsHour‘s Margaret Warner has secured very important interviews with Egypt Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit. In the five minute clip above, Foreign Minister Gheit is pushing back, telling the US that its expectations are out of line with political and time realities in Egypt.

White House – State Department Press Call on Egypt



Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes and newly minted State Department Policy Planning Chief Jake Sullivan just held an on the record conference call on events in Egypt and America’s position. Rhodes outlined the three central pillars of the Obama White House’s approaches to the turmoil in Egypt.

Nixon Center Civility and Feting Senator Jon Kyl



I recently did an interview with the Daily Beast‘s Michelle Cottle on the erosion of comity in Washington. One of the interesting places that warring parties in DC still meet (and seemingly leave their guns and holsters with the concierge) is at Nixon Center annual dinners.