Condi Rice Edging Towards Duplicity with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Regarding NSA Intercepts



Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice spoke in Crawford, Texas today and encouraged the Senate to move forward on the Bolton nomination, suggesting that State had been extremely compliant in providing the material the Senate had requested on John Bolton. This is not true.

John Bolton and Pop Culture: “If You Don’t Do What I Want. . I’ll Have John Bolton Throw Something at You”



Anyone who reads my blog will know that I’m not very good at humor. I attended an interesting meeting today and met Duncan Black who publishes one of the biggest-reach blogs, Eschaton, and noted that when people read his stuff, they get great one-liners.

Catch ABC’s “Nightline” Tonight: Focus on John Bolton and the Workplace



My problems with John Bolton are about serious “loose cannon” behavior in the realm of national security and foreign policy — but I have to admit that what has popularized John Bolton as a household name (well. . .almost) are questions about his treatment of people in the workplace.

Linda Chavez Might Be Willing to Join in Wager Against Bill Richardson on John Bolton



Linda Chavez, if betting now, said she didn’t think Bolton was going to make it through confirmation. This from a recent AFP report: Linda Chavez, a former official in the Ronald Reagan and elder George Bush administrations, was even more pessimistic.

Those Opposing Bolton Need to Stand on Principles and Evidence



Time Magazine ran this little snippet: . . .Bolton’s confirmation looks far from assured. That has not prevented the nominee, however, from moving through his to-do list. Government sources tell TIME that after he was nominated in early March, Bolton requested that all American employees of the U.S. mission to the U.N.