Tension Inside AEI: A Neocon Heart vs. Corporate Head



Jim Lobe brilliantly chronicles a key point of tension between various AEI stakeholders — on one hand a group of firms who help fund the place and are mostly focused on government deregulation and on the other, those who have helped shape and drive a neoconservative War in Iraq and national security strategy.

Matt Yglesias Deserves Better



This is a hilarious video interview with super-blogger Matthew Yglesias who just didn’t get the treatment he deserves at YearlyKos. Then I did a video interview talking about my encounter with Peter Beinart over what we’d tell the next President about U.S. foreign policy if we had five minutes.

Wesley Clark to Bush: “Stop Hiding Behind David Petraeus!”



General Wesley Clark delivered a humdinger of a speech this morning in Chicago at YearlyKos. There’s much to it — and he puts the target for the failure in Iraq not on the military, nor on the Congress, nor other participants in this mess other than President George W. Bush.

Foreign Service Pessimism vs. Brookings Optimism



Over the last day and a half, I’ve been connecting with folks in the military, in intelligence, from the Department of State on the American side of the equation, as well as chatting with some well-placed Brits and even Iraqi government officials, and a good passle of journalists in order to kick the tires of…

<em>Guest Post from James Wolfensohn</em>: Greening New York is Opportunity for America to Lead Globally



(New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg outlines PlaNYC proposals) In the coming days, the U.S. Government will make a critical decision that has the potential to change America’s standing in the world: whether to approve a $537 million grant that will help make New York City the first environmentally sustainable megacity in the 21st century.