Live on C-Span Tuesday Morning 10 am EST: The Annapolis Summit: What (Not) to Expect?



Inside sources tell me that the Annapolis Peace Summit to address Israel/Palestine issues will be officially announced tomorrow, and the date will be November 27. The selection of Annapolis as the site for the upcoming Israel/Palestine Peace Summit makes some sense if one were serious about creating a new reality in the Middle East.

America’s Ugly Allies in Iraq: A Profile of Abu Abed



This article is a must-read according to my friend Nir Rosen on what illusory American success in Iraq is based on. I find these quotes from the piece illuminating: “The Americans lost hope with an Iraqi government that is both sectarian and dominated by militias, so they are paying for locals to fight al-Qaida.

Losing Pakistan: Steve Clemons & Eli Lake Discuss on New York Times/Bloggingheads



This was a nice surprise to wake up to. Eli Lake and I squared off a bit over Pakistan and US foreign policy in general on Robert Wright‘s fascinating medium, BloggingHeadsTV. The New York Times front-paged part of our exchange on its opinion page. Our full discussion is here.

Hagel’s Anti-Swagger Campaign



In the last few days, I have posted a lot about Senator Chuck Hagel and his effort to galvanize opinion against reckless, shoot-from-the-hip comments made by President Bush and others about Iran and other foreign policy problems. Tonight, Hagel will appear on Bloomberg’s “Political Capital with Al Hunt.