On Hamas, Saud al-Faisal Agrees with Colin Powell who Agrees with Brent Scowcroft who Agrees with Zbig Brzezinski who Agrees with Eric Shinseki who Agrees with Christine Todd Whitman. . .



This tidbit just appeared in Robin Wright’s recent reporting on the Annapolis Summit in an article titled “Iran: The Uninvited Wildcard in Mideast Talks“: Iran will still have leverage in the event of peace, Arab officials concede.

Lessons on Chutzpah: Douglas Feith and David Frum



The counter-neocon crowd really should be taking notes on not only the chutzpah of neoconservatives who helped take this nation on a self-destructive course, but on the tactics and vehicles they use. I think that David Frum’s new book and the forthcoming December 10th Bradley Lecture by Douglas Feith deserve particularly close inspection.

Harnessing Doubt & Need: Rice Could Pull Off Something Big in Annapolis



Next Tuesday, a gaggle of nations will meet for one day in the Maryland City of Annapolis to discuss what it will take to generate a comprehensive solution to the Israel-Palestine standoff. The Baltimore Sun caught my comment that in 1786 the Annapolis Convention was a mess.