Obama’s Foreign Policy Team: Are They Advising Him or Is He Colonizing Them?



Elisabeth Bumiller’s New York Times piece yesterday describing the national security and foreign policy advisory network in the Obama campaign has sent off strange shock waves in the blogosphere and in Washington. This article, I think, is a misfire. Some data show that there are somewhere between 70 and 100 million blogs in the world….

Add a Little John Cleese to the British Embassy Blog



A number of TWN readers and I recently received an email note from the British Embassy in Washington notifying us that an “embassy blog” was being conceived and wanted to ask us our thoughts on the enterprise. I wrote back right away saying cheers, tally-ho, and all that, great idea, a big bold move forward….

<em>New Yorker</em> correspondent Jane Mayer on Cheney’s Gang and America’s Torture Policies



New Yorker Washington correspondent Jane Mayer will discuss her book, The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How The War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals, with me live this morning between 9:30 am and 11:00 am EST.