Diminishing Hope: A Leading Palestinian Responds to Barack Obama



Mustafa Barghouti is one of Palestine’s real gems — a former doctor turned political leader who previously ran for the presidency of Palestine. He now heads the Palestinian National Initiative and is an advocate of non-violent resistance against Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.

TERRORISM SALON: Greg Djerejian on Questions of Military Strategy



(Greg Djerejian is a financial services professional and publishes the popular blog The Belgravia Dispatch) In regards to Stephanie’s answer to the second prompt, she writes: It is time to put the myth of the pre-9/11 mindset to rest… with which I think I mostly concur–save with some reservations about the level of attention both…

TERRORISM SALON: Stephanie Kaplan on the Myth of the Pre-9/11 Mindset



(Stephanie Kaplan is a Visiting Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center). I agree with Matt that the notion that U.S. counterterrorism policy is largely under the purview of the military is a false one. It relates, I think, to the partisan charge that the Democrats possess a “pre-9/11 mindset” when it comes to counterterrorism….

Streaming Live Tomorrow: Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy James Glassman



Ben Katcher published an interesting post just below that links my meeting tomorrow with Karen Hughes successor as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy James Glassman and our “Terrorism Salon” taking place on the blog now.

TERRORISM SALON: Stephanie Kaplan on the Misplaced Hope of the “Root Causes” Debate



(Stephanie Kaplan is a Visiting Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center). We seem to have reached the consensus that poverty–along with other grievances such as political oppression and cultural alienation–are not reliable indicators of future terrorist activity.