Why Not Add Violent Jewish Settler Extremists to Terror Watch List?



(Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin) In a candid statement meant to be heard only by those attending a weekly meeting of the Israeli Cabinet, Shin Bet spy chief Yuval Diskin has acknowledged serious concern about violent Jewish settler extremists trying to assassinate Israeli political leaders and willing “to use firearms in order to halt diplomatic…

Obama Pleased that McCain/Palin Secures Support From “Angler”



“Angler” is the Secret Service’s name for Vice President Cheney, who has now formally endorsed the McCain/Palin ticket. Barack Obama and Joe Biden are ‘delighted’ that Cheney and Bush have put their nudge behind the Arizona Senator and Alaska Governor.

Applause for Obama’s Thoughtful Stand on Infrastructure Investment



The New America Foundation’s Sherle Schwenninger and industrialist and philanthropist Bernard Schwartz were out way ahead of the pack in calling for massive government commitment to infrastructure investment. Now this has become conventional wisdom of late.

Obama’s Team Needs to Drop Phobia Towards Arab-Americans and Muslims



A couple of well-placed insiders have told me that US Ambassador to the United Nations Zalmay Khalilzad is going to make a quick split after the November 4th election. Some think he is going to position himself to run for the presidency of Afghanistan — which I sincerely hope he does not do.