America’s Choice: The Google Way or Xerox Way?



Today, Google CEO Eric Schmidt who is also Chairman of the Board of Directors at the New America Foundation (where I work) will give a speech and answer questions at an event organized by my organization and which I will stream live here at The Washington Note from 1:00 pm til 2:30 pm EST.

‘Renegade’ and ‘Renaissance’. . .Better Than ‘Maverick’ and ‘Medieval’



Los Angeles Times correspondent P.J. Huffstutter has pool reporter duty today and sent in this gem. . . However, your pool reporter did spot something sort of charming in today’s Chicago Sun-Times: According to gossip Michael Sneed, Obama’s new Secret Service name is “Renegade.” Mrs. Obama’s is reportedly “Renaissance.

Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State?



Four days ago I published and then quickly “unpublished” this item on Hillary Clinton being in line for Secretary of State: I just received some surprising news — like, really surprising. The deal is not done — but at the moment — Hillary Rodham Clinton is in the lead to be Secretary of State.

What Barack Obama Should Learn From Dick Cheney



Barack Obama should keep his smile and not adopt the scowl that Vice President Richard Cheney often deployed to tenderize his victims, but he should pay careful attention to the way that Cheney animated hundreds of followers to move the Cheney agenda across the national security bureaucracy.