US-Cuba Policy Change is Coming. . .



Vice President Joe Biden said this week that President Obama had no intention of ending the embargo of Cuba when he attends the Summit of the Americas in mid-April, but as Senator Richard Lugar and his senior staff member, Carl Meacham, outlined in a Senate Foreign Relations Commitee Print on US-Cuba relations, there is a…

Obama Should Read up On How Roman General Pompey Dealt with Terrorists



Barack Obama is having America up the ante on its investment in rolling back the Taliban and those who follow them in Afghanistan. We are sending more troops and trainers, and are committing to civil reconstruction programs whose outlines are unclear.

Martin Wolf and Laura Tyson on the Global Financial Crisis and the London G-20 Summit



This is a fascinating session with Financial Times chief economics commentator Martin Wolf and former Clinton administration National Economic Adviser to the President and UC Berkeley Haas Business School Professor of Global Management Laura Tyson.

Juan Cole on Engaging the Muslim World



Juan Cole is such a refreshing, extraordinary force attempting to drag Americans toward a more enlightened and constructive understanding of the Muslim world. I had the privilege this week of hosting Cole for a discussion of his just released book, Engaging the Muslim World.

A Pro-Unity Government Palestinian Minister from Fatah Speaks Out



Yesterday afternoon, I had the pleasure of hosting Advisor to President Mahmoud Abbas and Palestine Minister for Economic Development Mohammad Shtayyeh in my office to discuss the status of Palestinian Government unity government talks between Fatah and Hamas.

US Govt Condom Purchases Offshored to China: Obama’s Job Creation Deficit May Get 300 Jobs Worse



I’m not a protectionist type — but I do believe in smart industrial policy, national commitments to infrastructure, and the promotion of the American jobs base when tax dollars are involved – particularly during the greatest financial meltdown in generations. And yet, U.S.

MEDIA ALERT: Warren Olney’s “To the Point” on Geithner, AIG, and Obama’s Economic Muddle



I will be participating in a discussion today on Warren Olney’s excellent “To The Point” that runs on the National Public Radio network all over the country at various times. Other guests on the show will be David Sirota, Congressman Brad Sherman, and David Rothkopf.

Bernard Schwartz, Laura Tyson, Martin Wolf, George Soros Mark Zandi and Others to Headline Major NAF Economic Policy Forum on London G-20 Meeting and What Will Replace US Consumer



Regrettably, the Obama administration seems to be fumbling the ball on an economic policy course that restores confidence in the American economy on both the optics level and also on a substantive front that reorganizes the “social contract” and design of the real economy in the U.S.

Rendell, Schwarzenegger and Bloomberg on Target in “Deep Infrastructure” Campaign



This is a guest post by New America Foundation/Economic Growth Program policy director Michael Lind. Lind recently authored for Salon, “Obama’s Timid Liberalism“. Infrastructure investment and other themes related to the question, “What Will Replace the American Consumer?” will be discussed at the 1st Bernard L.