Romney’s Horse Ballet Losses, Caviar and Spam


Margaret Carlson gets the quote of the week for her Bloomberg commentary on Mitt Romney’s wealth blind spots and not getting that dressage may not be the kind of business tax deduction he wants a lot of economically-strapped political independents to read about.

Gore Vidal: A Salute to Self-Absorbed yet Selfless Genius


Gore Vidal has departed the stage given news today that he has died of complications from pneumonia at age 86. I shook Vidal’s hand once — and when he took mine, his smirk pretty much sheared off several layers of identity protection I had cloaked around myself.

Getting Economic Growth: Forgive or Restructure Debt American Citizens Hold


Restructuring Private Debt May Be Better Option than Austerity or More Stimulusby Steve Clemons and Richard Vague In the Spring of 2011, the Obama administration started to rev up a campaign called “The Summer of Recovery” and planned to deploy the President, VP Joe Biden, and the economically connected Cabinet members and advisers to go…

No, Biden Never Apologized to Obama for Getting Out Ahead on Gay Marriage


Official White House Photo/Pete Souza Vice President Joe Biden never apologized to President Obama for getting a “bit over his skis” in endorsing gay marriage before the president did — and according to very senior White House sources, Obama didn’t ask for or want an apology from Biden. But google “Joe Biden”, “apology”, and “gay”….