What it Takes to Actually Change Washington and Change Policy


When I started working in the US Senate in the mid-1990s, my then boss Senator Jeff Bingaman handed me, like he did to every incoming member of his staff, a copy of Eric Redman’s book, The Dance of Legislation: An Insider’s Account of the Workings of the United States Senate.

George Washington and the Queen


Tonight much of Washington, DC’s glitterati will attend the Diamond Jubilee festivities saluting the reign of Queen Elizabeth II at the British Embassy. It will be packed — all under the able management of Ambassador Peter Westmacott and his wife — and his suffer-no-fools, knows-everyone social secretary Amanda Downes.

Free Doughnuts. . .Really


I don’t need or want any. Ok, I’m lying. I want them but can’t have them. Or can I? Still, I’m going to walk by the Dupont Circle Krispy Kreme and see if there is a line.

Pic of the Day: Newport in Summer


photo credit: Andrew Oros I love the water — and I love Summer. This is from Newport, Rhode Island from the banks of the magnificent grounds of the US Naval War College. This pic, taken by a TWN regular, just moved me. Pics of the day are back. Send yours in. More soon.

John McCain’s Institute Launching Today


Despite some of my foreign policy differences — like the whole bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran thing — with Senator John McCain who once told me he was “the original neoconservative”, I have always greatly, truly admired his patriotism and dedication to trying to get the American political system to operate honestly and in…