Mapping Solutions with Dan Rothem



(Photo Credit: Sam Sherraden) From Steve Clemons: This is the first guest post from my new deputy director here at the American Strategy Program, Patrick Doherty. Patrick spent more than a decade working at the intersection of conflict and development in the Middle East, Africa, Balkans and Caucasus.

Bhutto and Musharraf, Feuding Again



Frankly there’s not a whole lot new here to comment on — they’re feuding over the recent bombings, IAEA inspectors, terrorism, and democracy. Expect plenty more through January. But I did want to highlight some fantastic acrylic paintings created by my friend over at Chapati Mystery.

<em>Guest Post by Doug Rediker</em>: More Caviar, Mr. Minister?



Doug Rediker is Co-Director, along with Heidi Crebo-Rediker, of the New America Foundation’s newly launched Global Strategic Finance Initiative Between mouthfuls of canapes, business card exchanges and polite toasts, my prime take-aways from this past weekend’s G7, IMF and World Bank meetings here in Washington were, first, how yesterday’s poor third world countries have become,…

US-Turkey Relations: Confronting Security Challenges and Historical Memory



With Scott Paul, Steve Clemons, and Mindy Kotler already weighing in, I’d like to add my two cents into the mix on this latest Armenian genocide resolution — first, to reference the extent of our strategic interdependency so we do not take Turkey’s backlash lightly; and second, to offer some perspective on confronting a nation…

<em>Guest Post by Mindy Kotler</em>: Failing to Comfort



(Los Desatres de la Guerra by Francisco Goya , 1810) Mindy L. Kotler is director of Asia Policy Point, a nonprofit research center providing objective information and scholarship on Northeast Asia to the American policy community. Steve Clemons is right that comparing the U.S.

Quick Thoughts on Privacy — from National Security to Predatory Lending



My colleagues at the New America Foundation’s HigherEdWatch — the same people who broke a whopper of a story in April on student loan officers receiving kickbacks from banks, which generated a national media firestorm, Congressional inquiries and legal settlements with many state attorney generals — have broken some more news on predatory student lending….