Political Books: The Right, The Left, the Radical Center


adam clymer twn.jpgA chunk of TWN readers live in the Northeast corridor and enjoy the events I help organize and chair at the New America Foundation, but they complain that I don’t give enough notice some times.
As Ben Katcher has written below, I am hosting Adam Clymer — the former New York Times political correspondent about whom President George W. Bush once said to Cheney:

“There’s Adam Clymer, major league asshole from the New York Times.”

Cheney replied:

“Yeah, big time.”

Clymer will be at the New America Foundation today in Washington from noon until 2 pm for a brownbag lunch if you want to stop in. No charge and no need to RSVP for this one. Clymer will be discussing how the Democrats began to be perceived as softies on national security and his new book, Drawing the Line at the Big Ditch: The Panama Canal Treaties and the Rise of the Right.
Then, for a book from the radical center, I will be hosting Senator Chuck Hagel from noon until 2 pm at the New America Foundation for a discussion of his really interesting new book, America — Our Next Chapter: Tough Questions, Straight Answers. The date for this event is April 30th — and RSVPs are required at communications@newamerica.net.
Finally, on the right, I’ll be hosting Grover Norquist — who broke news yesterday with his invitation to Condoleezza Rice to address the Wednesday Meeting.
Norquist will be speaking from noon until 2 pm at a brownbag New America Foundation lunch meeting on May 15. His new book is titled: Leave Us Alone: Getting the Government’s Hands Off Our Money, Our Guns, Our Lives. Again, RSVPs are required at communications@newamerica.net.
I will be chairing all three events. Hope to see some of you today and at these others down the road.
— Steve Clemons


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