Keeping Up on Renewable Energy



Today’s New York Times features a dispatch from Portugal today, discussing the amazing growth as well as the pitfalls of Portugal’s rapid transition in building its renewable energy capacity.

Senator Obama vs. President Obama on Afghanistan



The Huffington Post‘s Dan Froomkin has highlighted a powerful video montage by his colleague HuffPost video editor Ben Craw on comments made by then-Senator Obama on Iraq in 2007 & President Obama on US policy towards Afghanistan.

New Resource Link on Palestinian State Building Efforts



I just received an email from a leading public intellectual on US foreign policy who just returned from Israel and Palestine and reported that there were “construction cranes all over Ramallah.” The source commented that Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad is getting something right.

Putting Donna Shalala’s Ben Gurion Airport Humiliation to Good Use



Israeli media is reporting that former Clinton administration Secretary of Health and Human Services and University of Miami President Donna Shalala was “humilitated” at Ben Gurion International Airport. What makes matters a bit more complicated for Israel is that she was there to help protest the “academic boycott” of Israel.