Cuba Travel on the Horizon?

Nicholas Maliska is a research intern with the New America Foundation/U.S.-Cuba Policy Initiative.
Nicholas Maliska is a research intern with the New America Foundation/U.S.-Cuba Policy Initiative.
(President George W. Bush speaking at the 50th anniversary re-dedication of the Islamic Center in Washington, D.C.) Slate‘s Dave Weigel has a nice clip quoting former Bush administration Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and current Director of the George W. Bush Institute James K. Glassman. Weigel writes: [James K.
This morning I received an email from former Israel Labor Party Deputy Leader and former Deputy Defense Minister Ephraim Sneh. It started “To my Muslim friends – Ramadan Karim”.
Slate‘s Dave Weigel has posted on a very interesting interview that he did with Republican icon and Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist.
Al-Khan Al-Ahmar school was built using recycled car tires. This is a guest note by Fadi Elsalameen, Executive Director of The Palestine Note, the website where this post originally appeared.
My home in Cuba. This is a guest post by Anya Landau French, who directs the New America Foundation/U.S.-Cuba Policy Initiative. This post originally appeared at The Havana Note.
President Obama gets it right on the Mosque at Ground Zero during his remarks at last evening’s White House Iftar Dinner. Was very pleased to see that our good friends Representatives Keith Ellison and Rush Holt were at the dinner.
Today’s New York Times carries a profile of the challenges facing “today’s generals,” after nine years of war in the Middle East and South Asia. According to the author, for these generals: Mastery of battlefield tactics and a knack for leadership are only prerequisites.
This is a guest note by Fadi Elsalameen, Executive Director of The Palestine Note, the website where this post originally appeared. Ramallah – For three years, Salam Fayyad, the Prime Minister in the West Bank Palestinian Authority (PA), has been a focal point for Mideast debate.