Afghanistan: Will There Be a Debate?

The Washington Post‘s Karen DeYoung has posted a story titled “Obama Envisions No Major Changes in Afghan Strategy.
The Washington Post‘s Karen DeYoung has posted a story titled “Obama Envisions No Major Changes in Afghan Strategy.
I just want to give early word that the New America Foundation’s American Strategy Program and Middle East Task Force along with the Palestine Note will be hosting Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad for a talk titled “Building Palestine Under Occupation.
Watch live streaming video from worldeconomicforum at For those interested in an interesting discussion about America’s bleak course, China’s rise, and global uncertainties — with some modest moments of optimism here and there — please enjoy this video segment from the Summer Davos meeting yesterday in Tianjin, China.
The big news in Istanbul this week is that Turkish voters approved in a referendum a set of 26 constitutional reforms put forth by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) that fulfills some of the European Union’s human rights criteria, while also protecting the party from being closed by the judiciary (as nearly happened…
This is a guest note by Ralph Gomory, one of the nation’s leading thinkers about technology, innovation, and the productivity health of national economies. Gomory previously served as IBM’s Senior Vice President for Science and Technology and subsequently as the immediate past president of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
This is a guest note by Ralph Gomory, one of the nation’s leading thinkers about technology, innovation, and the productivity health of national economies. Gomory previously served as IBM’s Senior Vice President for Science and Technology and subsequently as the immediate past president of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
I’ve been a fan of the American Academy in Berlin for a long time — and though I’ve never been there as a fellow (maybe one day), it is a cool retreat for high quality American thinkers to engage European counterparts in salons, policy exercises and the like.
When John Bolton, who now said he is considering a run for the US presidency, was set to testify in July 2006 before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee during his failed effort to get the Senate to confirm his nomination as US Ambassador to the United Nations, I got an early copy of his…
This is a guest post by Anya Landau French, who directs the New America Foundation/U.S.-Cuba Policy Initiative. This post originally appeared at The Havana Note. The other day, I participated in a conference call with House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Howard Berman.
For much of the last year, a group of policy experts, scholars and practitioners have been meeting to discuss the situation in Afghanistan, with the hope of of charting a “New Way Forward,” for America’s longest war.